A Tribute to a Dog
If anyone has had a dog at one time in their life, they know how these four-legged friends become a
huge part of your family. In November Lily became part of our family. Here she is the day we brought
her home.

While at the vet I found this wonderful ode and wanted to share it with you.
A Tribute to a Dog
The one absolutely unselfish friend you can have, the one who never
deserts, nor proves ungrateful, is your dog.
A dog stands by you in property and in poverty, in health
and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground
if only to be near his master’s side;
and will the hand that has no food to offer.
A dog guards the sleep of his master as that of royalty.
When all the other friends leave, a dog remains.
Your dog is as constant in his love as the
sun in its journey through the heavens.