The Power of the 6 Month Test
Every once in a while, I like to take a moment to reflect with what I call The 6 Month Test. I find it incredibly illuminating and motivating to benchmark things into perspective.
The test is simple — there are only two questions: Am I a fundamentally different person than who I was 6 months ago? and Is this difference a good thing?
Try it.
Let your mind wander to half a year ago — What were you doing, working towards, hoping to have? What were your concerns? What did you want to be better at?
Now fast forward to where you are today — Has there been measurable progress towards those things? Are you now facing a new set of challenges? Are the walls towering in front of you different than those that appeared before? Do you feel any differently?
Most of the time, I’m astounded by how much of a difference 6 months can make.
I’m intrigued by the sheer volume of new experiences I’ve had, people I’ve met, and ideas I’ve come across. It’s fascinating to relive how and why these events have impacted me. A few times, I truly question why I said or did X, Y, Z things just a mere few months ago and feel so relieved to have moved beyond that.
If the answer is no, not much has changed, then I also know I’ve been spinning my wheels and need to be more deliberate in architecting my life or putting myself in situations to be exposed to more opportunities.
I love this test because it’s so revealing. There’s no hiding from your progress. The only question more powerful is, “Where do you want to be 6 months from now?”