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By Diane BarreraOctober 5, 2017In Media

The Ogrin of National Hispanic Month

It is in the tradition of our country to recognize, cherish, and conserve the many cultural contributions of the people who have helped achieve the greatness of our Nation. It is high time that our immigrants and their descendants from Latin nations, as well as those citizens whose Spanish heritage and lineage within the current boundaries of the United States date back to pre-pilgrim days, were honored in the same manner.  —Representative Robert D. Price (Republican-Texas) on H. J. Res. 1299, 90th Congress (1968) 

On June 11, 1968, California Congressman George E. Brown with 19 cosponsors, introduced House Joint Resolution 1299, authorizing the President to proclaim annually the week including September 15 and 16 as “National Hispanic Heritage Week.” 

The purpose of the resolution was to recognize the Hispanic influence and the role of Hispanic people in American history. It called on the people of the United States to observe the week with appropriate ceremonies and activities. 

Congressman Brown’s original resolution mentions the states, cities, and towns with Hispanic names; the roles of Hispanic people in developing cities, towns, and regions; and the considerable population bearing Spanish surnames. 

The legislation asserts the United States’ wish to attain mutual understanding, respect, and appreciation for the cultures, heritage, and arts of our neighboring nations. President Richard Nixon later emphasized this point in his proclamation of September 12, 1969, stressing the importance of ties with the United States’ Latin American neighbors. 

The resolution further states that the “Spanish-surnamed population has contributed the highest proportion of Medal of Honor winners through acts of bravery and determination in the defense of our land.” 

The proposed week included the dates of September 15 and 16. September 15 is a day when five Central American nations, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, celebrate their independence from Spain in 1821. September 16 is Mexican Independence Day, commemorating that country’s independence from Spain in 1810. 

Congressman Brown’s district included a large part of East Los Angeles and other parts of Los Angeles with heavy concentrations of Hispanic or Latino residents. He was joined in the sponsorship by two Hispanic Congressmen, Edward R. Roybal (Democrat–California) and Henry B. Gonzales (Democrat-Texas). 

Altogether the sponsors included 13 Democrats and 6 Republicans from the five southwestern states: —California, Colorado, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona—plus one New York Democrat. Representative George H. W. Bush (Republican-Texas), later 41st President of the United States, was one of the co-sponsors. 

Brown’s wasn’t the only resolution introduced in 1968 to authorize the President to proclaim an annual National Hispanic Heritage Week. Two similar joint resolutions, S.J. Res. 184 and 196 with another House Joint Resolution, H.J. Res. 1301, were also introduced and showed the momentum toward celebrating Hispanic or Latino contributions in an officially designated way. 

H.J. Res. 1299 made an easy passage through the House, with one amendment to delete the supporting clauses in the resolution in favor of a concise text. It was sent to the Senate, which referred it to the Judiciary Committee and reported out, without amendment. 

President Lyndon B. Johnson signed it into law on September 17, 1968 (Public Law 90-498). 

Johnson issued his first proclamation on National Hispanic Heritage Week the same day as he signed the legislation. Proclamation 3869 calls “the attention of my fellow citizens to the great contribution to our national heritage made by our people of Hispanic descent—not only in the fields of culture, business, and science but also through their valor in battle.” 

Twenty years later, in 1988, S. 2200 was introduced by Senator Paul Simon (Democrat–Illinois) to extend the week-long celebration into a month-long celebration. 

Simon’s bill was the companion bill to an earlier attempt by Representative Esteban Torres (Democrat–California), H.R. 3182, which amended P.L. 90-498 by deleting “week” and inserting “month.” 

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